The Design Anthology Awards

The Design Anthology Awards aims to recognise exceptional work in the fields of architecture, interior and product design, and to recognise individuals and organisations that are actively working to change the public’s perceptions of what design in the Asia Pacific region means today.


  • Must be working as a design professional within Asia, Australia and/or New Zealand (except for the Ambassador)

  • May be individuals or groups

  • Must be designers except in the case of the Ambassador

  • Are not restricted by age, except for the Emerging Talent award, for which the designer must be under 35 and have their own practice

  • Depending on your location, must pay the entry fee quoted at time of payment, which may be either:

    • AUD 375

    • CNY 1,750

    • HKD 1,950

    • IDR 3,750,000

    • INR 20,000

    • JPY 37,500

    • KRW 330,000

    • LKR 75,000

    • MOP 2,000

    • MYR 1,175

    • NZD 405

    • PHP 13,750

    • SGD 335

    • THB 8,750

    • TWD 7,750

    • USD 250

    • VND 6,000,000

  • Can use their subscriber discount code found in their welcome email to access a 40% discount on the entry fee, if they are a subscriber of Design Anthology


  • Must be original

  • Must be located/created in Asia, Australia or New Zealand 

  • Must demonstrate artistic intent in addition to technical proficiency

  • Must be innovative in the sense that it updates tradition

  • Places must be in Asia, Australia or New Zealand and must have been completed between 30 Jan 2023 and 31 July 2024

  • Products must have been designed between 30 Jan 2023 and 31 July 2024, and can be a prototype or in production

  • Submissions of Interior projects must be furnished

  • Submissions in the Craft category must be handmade by the nominee

Submission Guidelines

  • Please note the submission deadline on the schedule page.

  • Each entry is limited to one Awards category. If you would like to submit a project to multiple award categories, you will need to enter multiple times. If entering the same project in multiple Awards categories, a fee for each entry will apply.

  • Please be sure to read our Terms & Conditions carefully; not following our guidelines may result in disqualification.

  • For Places and Product category submissions, please remove all names on materials (your own name, client names, etc.) to maintain anonymity in the judging process. Your name will be shown elsewhere on the entry.

  • If submitting as a partnership or group, it is the group’s responsibility to select one lead entrant who will be the contact for the Awards process and to provide his or her contact information with the entry. Designs submitted by multiple people may be disqualified. It is the group’s responsibility to ensure that all members understand and comply with the conditions of entry including the publicity and copyright terms.

  • Awards in the People category can be awarded to individuals, a duo or a collective. 

  • All submissions must be accompanied by 6-10 photographs, which in the case of transformative works can include photography of the ‘before’ state. Entrants must ensure that the images are relevant to the category, i.e., Interiors Award submissions should be images of the interior only, Architecture submissions should be of the exterior with select interior images that convey the architectural language and concept intended. Photographs must be genuine, not renderings, though photographs with minor retouching are acceptable. Hand drawings will not be accepted. Strong imagery is crucial to the judging process, so images must be representative of the project and high-quality. Landscape (horizontal) format images are preferred.

  • For architecture, interior design projects, furniture, lighting and accessories, entrants may also submit up to 5 drawings in vector-based PDF format (e.g. floor plans, site plans, sections, elevations, production drawings, model drawings). For buildings, these must include a north point, scale bar and key. Hand drawings and renderings will not be accepted.

  • For the People category, entrants may nominate themselves or a third party. Images should include a portrait of the nominee along with some examples of recent work.

  • Entrants may also submit a 90-second video by uploading it to YouTube, Vimeo or a similar site and including the URL with their entry.

  • Written statements should be in English. Entrants are advised to save their written statements in a separate document before uploading to the submission portal in case of any technical issues. See the entry form for the written statement format and criteria. 

  • Entries that do not adhere to the submission criteria may be disqualified.

Prepare your submission


  • Nominee's Name

  • Nominee's Email Address

  • Supporting Statement: How has the nominated person contributed to the evolution of contemporary design or architecture in Asia, Australia and/or New Zealand? Please include at least three examples. Maximum 2000 characters.

  • Sub-category: A vanguard; An architect; An emerging talent; An interior designer; An ambassador; A female designer; An industrial designer


Female Designer Statement

  • How does this person stand out from their peers and how do they contribute to their industry as a whole? Maximum 2000 characters.

Vanguard Statements

  • How does the nominated person display a unique and visionary approach to their work? Maximum 2000 characters.

  • How does their work redefine design in the region? Maximum 2000 characters.

Ambassador Statements

  • How does this individual (who may work as part of a group) work to raise the profile of design in the region, and / or promote and represent Asian, Australian or New Zealand design abroad? Maximum 2000 characters.

  • Why is their work an outstanding contribution to the industry? Maximum 2000 characters.

Emerging Talent Statement

  • How does this individual or collective display potential for further development and commercial success? Maximum 2000 characters.


  • Sub-category: Commercial Spaces; Cultural, Art & Educational Spaces; Hospitality Spaces (Dining); Residential Living Spaces; Residential Living Spaces (Compact); Retail Spaces; Hospitality Spaces (Hotels)

  • Please summarise the client brief, name, location of project and date of completion. Maximum 2000 characters.

  • Please describe the project, including design concept, mention of material strategy, special site constraints or considerations, challenges faced and overcome (budgetary, for example), spatial planning and volume, and any collaborations. Maximum 2000 characters.

  • Please explain any environmental considerations, for example, new innovations or technologies used that may be energy saving or incorporate sustainability principles. Maximum 2000 characters.

  • How does the project contribute to the evolution of contemporary design or architecture in Asia, Australia or New Zealand? Maximum 2000 characters.


  • Sub-category: Furniture; Lighting; Accessories; Textiles

  • Please summarise the product, discussing the brief, purpose of the product (What problem does it solve?), ideation process, design concept, materiality, production process, distribution method and sales platforms. Maximum 2000 characters.

  • Are there any energy-saving features, environmental or sustainability considerations (for example, new materials or technologies). Maximum 2000 characters.

  • How does the project contribute to the evolution of contemporary design or architecture in Asia, Australia or New Zealand? Maximum 2000 characters.

Submit your entry

Prize Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Trophy Sponsor



